Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions


Reservation takes effect with the submission of an online registration. The surf camp participants then receive a confirmation of reservation and tips on how to prepare for the trip.

The company reserves the right to confirm a reservation up to 24 hours after receiving the online registration. Once a booking is made it can be changed by the customer within 24 hours, afterwards the booking will be proceeded and the 100euro amount needs to be paid.To secure the booking true our paypal account or bank transfer or other payment methods available as stated in the reservation confirmation. Arising bank transfer fees or currency exchange fees needs to be paid by the participant.





The cancellation will be valid the day we receive it.

– We will refund you 30% of total amount, when the cancellation is made 1 months before the starting.

– We will refund you 0% of the total amount, when cancellations are produced until two weeks before the starting.

– Within less than two weeks before the starting, we do not refund. We recommend you to contract a travel insurance.



The participant explicitly declares that there are no medical reservations as far as his/her active surfing is concerned. Participants must be at least 18 years old and parents with kids allowed minimum 4 5 years old



The company is not liable for damages as a result of personal injuries.
The company’s liability for damages that are not personal injuries are limited to the triple journey price. Liability for the loss of or damage to participants’ property (like for example surf boards) on the part of the organiser shall be excluded. We recommend a private baggage/surf board insurance and health insurance for the respective period. The organiser’s equipment and vehicles should be treated in due form. The participant shall be liable for damages in the case of negligent or wilful damage or loss, costs will be carried jointly by everyone is involved.



Board Insurance Terms and Conditions

At Pro Surf Morocco , we offer Board Insurance to provide our guests with peace of mind during their surfing sessions. This policy outlines the terms and conditions governing the coverage provided under our Board Insurance.

  • 1. Coverage: Board Insurance covers the repair costs for any damages incurred to the rented surfboard during the guest’s stay at our surf camps . The coverage includes damages resulting from surfing activities, irrespective of fault, including but not limited to, minor dents, cracks, or major breaks. The insurance covers the costs of professional repairs required to restore the surfboard to its original condition but does not cover the costs associated with the loss of the surfboard or any of its parts.
  • 2. Costs: The cost of Board Insurance is determined per stay, with rates specified by ProSurf Teamf. Guests are required to pay the prescribed fee at the time of booking or rental commencement.
  • 3. Duration: Board Insurance coverage is valid only for the duration of the guest’s current stay at ProSurf and is available for purchase for a minimum of 7 nights or less  consecutive days, with coverage extending over a period of 21 days from the start of the guest’s stay. Board Insurance can only be applied for up to 21 consecutive days without any gap between stays. If a guest checks out after their initial stay and returns within 21 days to book another stay with us, they will be required to purchase Board Insurance again if they opt for Board Rental and Board Insurance.
  • 4. Policy Updates: ProSurf reserves the right to modify the terms and conditions of the Board Insurance policy at any time without prior notice. Updated policies will be effective immediately upon posting on the website or communication through other channels.


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To protect your personal data the IP anonymization for Google Analytics has been activated. Within the European Union or in other states party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area, Google abbreviates the activated IP anonymization of your IP address before it is transferred to a server. Only in exceptional cases will the complete IP address be transferred to a server in the USA and abbreviated there. The IP address transmitted by your browser within the scope of Google Analytics will not be used in connection with other data by Google. Should we have further personal data of our website users, we will not use these for website tracking data purposes or link these with other non-personal data.



You can prevent cookies being stored by setting your browser software accordingly. However, here we would point out that in such a case you cannot use all the functions of this and other website(s). You can nevertheless prevent the transmission of the data generated by the cookie to Google and reference to the website (incl. your IP address), and also the processing of these data by Google, by downloading and installing the browser plugin: https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout?hl=en.


On this website, alongside the standard configuration of Google Analytics, Google Analytics functions are also used to support interest-related advertising based on the users’ surf behaviour. Here Google Analytics uses a third-party cookie by DoubleClick, to evaluate the data on the users’ surf behaviour on various websites. Using these data, statistical statements can be made on demographical data and fields of interest of website users. We expressly draw your attention to the fact that we are not able to see any information about the individual users, and the statistical data which we use cannot be traced back to specific users. After visiting our website, some of our website visitors will receive placements of our advertisements on other websites. This form of ad placement is known as re-marketing or re-targeting. If you would like to object to this ad placement, we would recommend you use one of the above mentioned possibilities of deactivating the website tracking by a website user. Google also offers a possibility to control cookies for advertising preferences yourself. more at: https://www.google.com/intl/en/policies/technologies/ads/. February 2016






All personal details are compulsory in the registration form.

The minimum participation age is 16 years, exceptions can be asked for.

Images of your stay at Pro Surf Morocco are only used for publicity or promotional purposes as web site, flyers, brochures,…

Contribution as participant with the camp duties, for example: helping out the kitchen team with the preparation and cleaning up the meals (once a week)

Customers must be physically fit and capable to swim. The client confirms that from a medical point of view, there is nothing that prevents him/her from going surfing or bodyboarding. We require that you communicate us any relevant medical aspects: allergies, disabilities, medical incapacities etc.

The transfer service is subject to availability. We recommend you to ask for this service when you fill out the online booking form or as soon as possible. The transfer price will be paid together with the booking or in cash at the pickup. Do not forget that this price is for one way and per person.

Each customer is responsible for the Pro Surf Morocco equipment during its use, and accepts the responsibility to replace it in case of loss or serious damage by inappropriate use of it. The customer has to pay the lost or damaged equipment which automatically becomes the customer’s property.

The excursions and trips we offer are not included in the total camp price. They depend on a minimum number of participants and availability. These reasons can lead to a cancellation of the previous.







The cancellation will be valid the day we receive it.

– We will refund you 30% of total amount, when the cancellation is made 1 months before the starting.

– We will refund you 0% of the total amount, when cancellations are produced until two weeks before the starting.

– Within less than two weeks before the starting, we do not refund. We recommend you to contract a travel insurance.






Pro Surf Morocco does not accept any responsibilities or any refunds in the following circumstances.

– When the client is responsible for the incorrect delivery of the services.

– When the defective services are due to third parties or they occur in an unpredictable manner.

– When the services cannot be provided, due to conditions beyond the control of the company. These are unusual and unpredictable conditions which could result in unexpected consequences such as natural disasters or meteorological aspects etc.

– When the incorrect delivery of the services is caused by happenings at Pro Surf Morocco, even though all the diligences are taken, but they still could neither be predicted nor prevented.

– When any happening could occur before and after the course hours.

– Clients have to listen to the instructions of our staff and to follow Pro Surf Morocco regulations. In case of not doing so and behaving irresponsible, the company will take the necessary measures, prior notification, such as the exclusion of the courses.




Pro Surf Morocco S.L

Office Address

Hay Essahel Tamraght Aourir Agadir, Souss-Massa-Drâa 80750 Morocco

Office Hours

24/7. Drop us a message and we’ll get back to you when we’re not in the water

WHATSAPP: +212-643 989 173

PHONE: +212-671 757 453

EMAIL: [email protected]